Thursday, August 23, 2012

Meet the Sapote!

Hello! I am a sapote (sah-POH-tey). I’m about the size of a coconut. Actually, "sapote" is rather vague and also refers to several of my cousins. Specifically, I am a mamey sapote. Laura found me at H-E-B’s Alon Market. When she finds unfamiliar ingredients like me, she usually brings us home.

I am native to southern Mexico. I taste kind of like a tropical peach. Laura found me amongst the guavas and mangos. Use me quickly once you get me home, or I’ll turn all mushy on you. She found this yummy recipe for Frozen Mamey Sapote Mousse (pictured at the bottom), and we’ll go through it together.

1) When you cut through my somewhat leathery skin, don’t be surprised by the big pit in the middle. It should lift right out. You also want to remove any fibrous material lurking around the pit.

2) Scrape out the fruit into a strainer. (A food mill works best, but Laura doesn’t have one. She might try a potato ricer the next time.) This removes any more fibrous material.

3) Now, mix the sugar and salt with the sieved fruit.

4) Soak the gelatin in the cold water, then dissolve it in the boiling water. Blend it with the fruit mixture. Chill until the mix thickens (about two hours).Remove from the fridge and whip until light.

5) Whip the heavy cream until stiff (remember, a cold bowl makes whipping cream a lot easier).

6) Fold the cream into the mamey mixture.

7) Freeze for at least two hours. Remove from freezer one hour prior to serving.

The finished product!


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